What Is RAMP?

Team 303-RAMP (Robotics Alliance of Mentors and Parents) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which includes parents of students on FIRST Team 303 and the mentors that volunteer their time assisting students learn and grow.

Team 303-RAMP supports the Team activities such as:

  • Working with students on fundraising
  • Providing financial support for many team activities
  • Providing travel support for mentors and chaperones for events
  • Providing food and drinks for the team during the build season
  • Supporting team marketing activities (i.e., give-aways, etc.)
  • Organizing concession stands for home events
  • Attending competitions to cheer on Team 303!

Any parent or guardian of a current team member is eligible to join Team303- RAMP. Dues are only $10.00 per family/per year. Our goal this year is 100% membership, so please join us by submitting the RAMP Membership Form either by mail or at the next RAMP meeting.